Daily Thought
Former front page,
the last year I taught
I thought I would have more time than ever to read once I retired. More
Retirement is great! We are traveling and doing all the things we couldn't do during our teaching lives. We do miss interacting with kids in class.
Picture credit: Leah Johnston at retirement party with many of the BUSD staff.

My short story, “Pete’s Mesa,” was included in Things You Can Create (StoneThread Publishing, 2013).
The second Speculative Fiction anthology
published by StoneThread Publishing in ebook format was published January 10, 2013.
anthology is available from Amazon, Apple, Baker & Taylor,
Diesel, Kobo, Sony and a few others.
“Pete’s Mesa” suggests that
we may be groomed for entrance into galactic society.

"Dream of Monarchs"
First publication for pay in
Volume 7 #1 of Tales of the Talisman
This was a reworked story I used in connection with Plato's Cave in Critical Thinking.
My trilogy,The Elder Saga,
is finished but another fine-tuning is worthwhile.
A first novel, now 30 years old,
Cataclysm needs a lot of work
that won't happen until the trilogy and the untitled one has been polished.
Reading dropped off after cataract surgery(not from being able to read 4 point in good light) and beginning a novel with metaphysical proportions. A complete better than rough draft was finished just after the first of 2020.
Works (without commentary) read through 2019:
Immortal Live by Stanley Bing
Permafrost by Alastair Reynolds
Exhalation by Ted Chang
Pandoras Seed by Spencer Wells
Nest by Terry Goodkind
Salvation Lost by Peter F Hamilton (finished 2020)
And four of the Coyote series by Allen Steele
Coyote Rising
Coyote Frontier
Coyote Horizon
By Sue Burke
If we don’t destroy … To continue and read other reviews click here
Released April 7, 2020
by Hadrosaur Productions
Read Mrs. Braden's Submission to NCTE on improperly posted teacher grading based on student scores.
Read Mrs. Braden's Submission to NCTE on improperly posted teacher grading based on student scores.
Read my letter on education to the editor of the Wilson Quarterly.
Read my comments to Diane Ravitch on her book The Death and Life of the Great American School System
The above was followed by Reign of Error that takes in after the business paradigm for education and the proliferation of charter schools (both profit and non-profit) that are syphoning tax dollars away from public school that are providing better education that the reformers are willing to admit. See my review in the list of reviews (left).
Thirty years after A Nation at Risk
Good article. Here's the final paragraph:
“In some ways, A Nation at Risk was helpful, but what we’ve seen in the past 30 years are too many misguided efforts – most notably No Child Left Behind – that have only compounded the problems the report identified,” Van Roekel said. “Educators across the country work hard to give their students the great education they deserve, but lawmakers cannot keep pulling the rug out from under them with bad ideas. We need to do what we know works. We need to fully fund our schools, invest in early childhood education, increase parental involvement and keep our class sizes small, especially in high-poverty schools at the lower grades. This is how we’ll make our schools work for every student.”