Work Calendar
A very few words to the wise

Students will ordinarily find at this link "four-week" calendars that will specify—most briefly—the reading, the assignments, and occasionally some extra work that ought to be considered. The first calendar will be posted after school Tuesday September 2. The sequence of work offered by the calendars is not absolute (however it is very close ) and may change within any four week period only when grave necessity demands a change.

Students should use this link to

plan their time,
prepare for assignments,
keep up with the class when they are absent,
review what has been assigned in class, or
ultimately (within reason) try to get ahead.

Generally, the entire year is already established this far in advance. One real advantage of these calendars to students is to let them work at keeping up or getting ahead. Maybe, if we reach the end of the course before the end of the year, very special things may take place.